7490 S. Holden Street
1019 E. 2100 S.
Mon.-Fri. 10-6
Sat. 10-5
Closed Sundays
Accepts consignment: Mon.-Fri. 11-4 Sat. 11-3
I can’t remember on which serendipitous occasion I came around the corner of Holden street and spotted Home Again…oh wait, yes I can. I’d just come back from a doctor’s appointment. Anyway, when I saw the green brick façade with “consignment” written on it; I did a 180˚ and pulled into the parking lot. I now own two leather pillows, a small cabinet, and small writing desk type thingey—all courtesy of Home Again.
I love the idea of buying old junk and re-finishing or painting it to create something marvelously quirky and unique. Check out Mandi Gubler’s Vintage Revivals blog for instructions for making genius Thrift Shop Glam projects. But my problem is actually getting around to doing the project. I have two kitchen chairs—one from D.I. and one from a junk sale—that have remained in their junky state for about two years now.

Home Again provides finished projects. Much of the furniture is vintage or retro, but has been given the sanding and fresh paint needed to make it house-ready. My Home Again cabinet is the result of an emergency run to the store, hours before I had guests coming. I just couldn’t let them see my home stereo system balanced precariously on cardboard boxes.
Home Again carries items as small as a china tea cup and as large as an armoire. Home décor, home furnishings, and a lot of personality. The prices are excellent. Not as low as a thrift store—these are finished pieces—but much better than buying brand new.

I like my furniture solid and real. I love texture. I like the feel of real wood. That’s not to say I don’t have pasteboard in my house. Unfortunately, I too own the “build-it-yourself” bookshelves. You know, the ones that don’t require tools for assembly and that shatter like a plate glass window in an action movie if you lean on it. But when I can afford it, I like to buy “real” furniture made in a day when furniture was meant to last. Home Again makes that possible.